你的眼镜多少度可不是What degree are your glasses? 不要再用错了!

发布时间:2024-11-03 09:51  浏览量:3

你是否曾在与外国朋友交流时,好奇地问出“What degree are your glasses?”却发现对方一脸困惑?别担心,这并不是因为你的英语不够好,而是因为你可能误用了表达。今天,就让我们一起探索眼镜度数的英语正确表达,让你在询问和回答时更加得体,避免尴尬,成为真正的跨文化交流小能手!

在英语中,询问别人的眼镜度数,正确的表达是“How strong are your glasses?”或者“What is the prescription of your glasses?”这里的“strength”指的是眼镜镜片的屈光度,而“prescription”则是指眼科医生开具的处方,包括镜片的度数。


How strong are your glasses? I noticed you wear them for reading.(你的眼镜多少度?我注意到你阅读时会戴上它们。)The prescription of my glasses is -2.0 diopters for nearsightedness.(我的眼镜处方是-2.0屈光度,用于近视。)



A: How strong are your glasses? B: They are quite strong; I have -4.0 diopters.(你的眼镜多少度?我的度数挺高的,我有-4.0屈光度。)

在英语中,“度数深浅”可以表达为“the strength of the prescription”或者“the depth of the prescription”。这里的“strength”和“depth”都可以用来描述镜片的屈光度。


My new glasses have a stronger prescription than my old ones.(我的新眼镜比旧眼镜的度数更深。)The depth of her prescription has increased over the years due to her long hours of screen time.(由于长时间面对屏幕,她的眼镜度数逐年加深。)Need glasses:需要戴眼镜。Contact lenses:隐形眼镜。Eye exam:眼睛检查。Glasses for reading:老花镜。Long-sighted/short-sighted:远视/近视。Glare:眩光。Eye strain:眼睛疲劳。Night vision:夜视能力。Color blindness:色盲。Eye protection:眼睛保护。
标签: 眼镜 glasses depth
