发布时间:2024-10-25 10:01 浏览量:35
这位维密秀明星穿上了一双零售价350美元的Sorel x Proenza Schouler黑色驯鹿靴,戴上了琥珀色的眼镜。她的头发被吹散了,看起来蓬松的长波浪饱满而华丽。
You used to see 90’s models and they were breathtakingly beautiful and unique. These new girls don’t have any presence.
你曾经看到 90 年代的模特,它们美丽得令人叹为观止和独特。这些新来的女孩没有任何存在感。
These are breathtaking for all the wrong reasons. The models in the 90s were from another planet. Real stunningly beautiful women.
由于所有错误的原因,这些都是令人叹为观止的。90 年代的模特来自另一个星球。真正令人惊叹的美丽女人。
I find it strange that she disappeared for a few months and has now returned to modelling. She looks extremely thin and unhealthy.
She eats one hot dog and drinks one Coke 0 a month.
她每个月吃一只热狗,喝一杯 0 可乐。
Neither one of those girls is meant to be as skinny as they are, which means they have to starve themselves to get there. This leads to those legs they both have. No muscle or tone. This is what happens when you are able to buy your way to the runway.
这两个女孩都不是注定要像她们一样瘦的,这意味着她们必须饿死自己才能到达那里。这导致了她们俩都有的那些腿。没有肌肉或张力。这就是当您能够购买通往 T 台的方式时发生的事情。
(来源:Daily Mail)